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School Readiness Assessment

The school readiness refers to the assessment of your child, to understand his or her skill sets already gained and needed for Grade 1. Focusing on Physical, Social, Emotional, Language and Cognitive skills that are essential for your child not only to succeed in Grade 1, but also thrive throughout school without delay.



The Assessment will focus on school readiness criteria for early literacy, auditory, numeracy, mathematical language, perceptual, sensory, co-ordination as well as basic life skills and coping skills though emotional regulation.

Assessment includes 

Day 1:  150 Min - with you and your child

  • Assessment of drawings in developmental age-appropriate skills,

  • Assessing visual and spatial skills of 5-6 year old children,

  • Assessing auditory skills of a 5-6 year old,

  • Using paper-based measures to assess school readiness,

  • Using activity based measures to assess school readiness,

  • Scoring the school readiness data, interpreting results, writing a report.


Day 2: 30 Min - with only you

  • Providing a parent report,

  • Providing feedback,

  • Making recommendations, on specific areas, should there be a need.



This assessment will take a minimum of Two and a Half Hours, or 150 Min to complete with a break for your child as well, and parents are welcome to sit in on sessions, unless otherwise arranged.



Costs of the School Readiness Assessment will be set at R1350,00 including the Assessment and Parent Report

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